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だが : conj 1)but 2)however 3)(and) yet 4)nevertheless 5)still 6)for all that P
駄菓子 / だがし : n 1)cheap sweets P
だく : n abbr 1)trot (as in horse riding)
駄句 / だく : n 1)poor poem
抱く / いだく / うだく / だく : v5k vt 1 1)to embrace 2)to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby) 3)to hug 2 4)to harbour (e.g. grudge) (harbor) 5)to bear (e.g. a grudge) 6)to entertain (e.g. suspicion) P ok v5k vt 7)to embrace v5k 2 8)to have sex with 9)to make love to 10)to sleep with 3 11)to sit on eggs
/ / うべ / / / だく / むべ : int arch 1)yes 2)all right 3)OK 4)okay adv 5)truly 6)indeed n 1 7)agreement 8)assent n n-suf 2 abbr 9)Norway
唾壷 / だこ : n 1)spittoon
惰気 / だき : n 1)indolence 2)listlessness
唾棄 / だき : n vs 1)despising 2)disdaining 3)scorning 4)holding in contempt

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