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飛竜 / ひりゅう / ひりょう / ペーロン : n 1)flying dragon n 2)dragon boat (long 22-person canoe used for racing) (chi:) 3)races with such boats
飛簷 / ひえん : n 1)upturned eaves 2)high roof
飛沫 / しぶき / ひまつ : n uk 1)splash 2)spray n 3)splash
飛瀑 / ひばく : n 1)waterfall from a high place
飛火 / とびひ : n 1 1)leaping flames 2)shower of flying sparks 2 3)spreading fire 3 4)repercussions in unanticipated areas 5)spilling over 6)effects of an incident spreading to those seemingly uninvolved 4 7)(med) impetigo contagiosa
飛燕 / ひえん : n 1)swallow in flight
飛跡 / ひせき : n 1)track 2)flight path
飛球 / ひきゅう : n 1)fly (ball) P

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