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風よけ / かざよけ / かぜよけ : n 1)windbreak
風位 / ふうい : n 1)wind direction
風入れ / かざいれ : n 1)give an airing
/ かぜ / ふう / ふり : n 1)wind 2)breeze P adj-na n n-suf 1 3)method 4)manner 5)way 6)style 2 7)appearance 8)air 3 9)tendency 4 10)folk song (genre of the Shi Jing) 5 11)wind (one of the five elements) n 1 12)swing 13)shake 14)wave 15)swinging n 2 uk 16)appearance 17)behaviour 3 uk 18)pretence (pretense) 19)show 4 uk 20)lacking a reservation or introduction (at a restaurant, etc.) 5 21)postures (of a dance) 6 22)unsewn part of a hanging sleeve on a traditional Japanese woman's garment suf 23)(7) counter for swords, blades, etc.
風切羽 / かざきりばね : n 1)flight feathers
風刺 / ふうし : n vs adj-no 1)satire 2)irony 3)sarcasm P
風刺画 / ふうしが : n 1)caricature
風前 / ふうぜん : n 1)where the wind blows

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