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順境 / じゅんきょう : n 1)favorable circumstances 2)favourable circumstances
順守 / じゅんしゅ : n vs 1)compliance 2)adherence (to a set of rules) 3)(religious) observance P
順縁 / じゅんえん : n 1 1)(Buddh) favorable condition (for entering the priesthood) 2 2)dying in order (from oldest to youngest)
/ じゅん / ずん : n n-suf 1 1)order 2)turn adj-na 2 3)obedient 4)docile 5)submissive 6)meek P ok n n-suf 7)order
順々 / じゅんじゅん : adv n 1)in order 2)in turn
順う / したがう : v5u vi 1)to abide (by the rules) 2)to obey 3)to follow 4)to accompany
順に / じゅんに : adv 1)in order 2)in turn 3)one by one P
順礼 / じゅんれい : n vs 1)pilgrimage 2)pilgrim

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