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青花 / あおばな / せいか : n 1)spiderwort (alias) n 2)ceramics with a blue pattern on a white background
青鞜 / せいとう : n 1)bluestocking
青膚 / あおはだ : n uk 1)Ilex macropoda (species of holly common in Japan)
青馬 / あおうま : n 1)dark-colored horse with a lustrous coat (coloured)
青髯 / あおひげ : n 1)use of blue eyebrow pencil to indicate a character has shaved his cheeks (in kab...
青緑 / あおみどり / あおみどろ : adj-na adj-no 1)blue-green 2)turquoise 3)aqua n 4)spirogyra 5)algae forming pond scum
青組 / あおぐみ : n 1)blue class
青鬼 / あおおに : n 1)(horned) blue demon 2)blue ogre

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