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零元 / れいげん : n 1)(math) zero element
零度 / れいど : n 1)zero 2)absolute zero (temp.) 3)freezing point
零戦 / ぜろせん : n 1)Zero fighter plane
零敗 / れいはい : n vs 1)going undefeated 2)losing without scoring a point 3)whitewash 4)being shut out
零れ / こぼれ : n 1 1)spilling 2)spill 2 3)leavings 4)leftovers
零す / こぼす : v5s vt 1 1)to spill 2)to drop 3)to shed (tears) 2 4)to grumble 5)to complain 3 6)to let one's feelings show P
零時 / れいじ : n 1)12 o'clock (midnight) P
零本 / れいほん : n 1)fragmentary remains of a large set of writings 2)the odd volume 3)a few pages

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