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離れ家 / はなれや : n 1)detached building 2)solitary house
離れる / はなれる : v1 vi 1 1)to be separated 2)to be apart 3)to be distant 2 4)to leave 5)to go away 3 6)to leave (a job, etc.) 7)to quit 8)to give up 4 9)to lose connection with 10)to drift away from P
離れ島 / はなれじま : n 1)solitary island
離れ / はなれ / ばなれ : pref 1)detached (dwelling, room) suf 2)separation from 3)loss of interest in 4)independence of 5)distancing (of oneself) from 6)disillusionment with 7)alienation from (something)
離れ業 / はなれわざ : n 1)stunt 2)feat
離れ技 / はなれわざ : n 1)stunt 2)feat
離弁花 / りべんか : n 1)schizopetalous flower
離婚劇 / りこんげき : n 1)problematic divorce 2)divorce drama

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