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雑草学 / ざっそうがく : 1)weed science
雑草性 / ざっそうせい : 1)weediness
雑草 / ざっそう : n adj-no 1)weed P
雑学 / ざつがく : n 1)miscellaneous knowledge
雑色 / ざっしき / ざっしょく / ぞうしき : n adj-no 1)assorted colors 2)assorted colours
雑芸 / ざつげい / ぞうげい : n 1 1)various form of arts (e.g. acrobatics, magic, puppetery, sarugaku acrobatics per... 2 2)miscellaneous songs popular from the end of the Heian period to the Kamakura per...
雑肉 / ざつにく : n 1 1)variety meat 2)offal 3)scrap meat 2 4)meat other than pork, beef or poultry (e.g. horsemeat, etc.)
雑纂 / ざっさん : n 1)miscellaneous collection

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