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金化合物 / きんかごうぶつ : 1)gold compound
金属鉱物 / きんぞくこうぶつ : n 1)metal ore 2)metallic mineral
金に汚い / かねにきたない : exp 1)mean (greedy) about money 2)stingy
金壺 / かなつぼ : n 1)metal jar or pot
金壺眼 / かなつぼまなこ : n 1)goggle-eyes 2)round, sunken eyes 3)greedy look
金大 / きんだい : 1)Kanazawa University (pl)
金太郎 / きんたろう : n 1 1)Kintaro (hero boy of Japanese folklore, who befriended animals and had supernatu... 2 2)Kintaro doll (usu. having a plump red face, carrying an axe, and wearing a red a... 3 3)diamond-shaped apron
金太郎飴 / きんたろうあめ : n 1)cylindrical candy made so that Kintaro's face appears wherever it is sliced

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