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重なり積分 / かさなりせきぶん : 1)overlap integration 2)overlap integral (vs)
重なり / かさなり : n 1)overlapping 2)piling 3)stacking
重なり合う / かさなりあう : v5u 1)to lie on top of each other 2)to overlap 3)to pile up
重なり形 / かさなりがた : 1)eclipsed form
重なる / おもなる / かさなる : oK 1)(adj-f) main 2)principal 3)important v5r vi 1 4)to be piled up 5)to lie on top of one another 2 6)to come one after another 7)to happen over and over 8)to pile up (e.g. stress) 9)to accumulate 3 10)to overlap (each other) 11)to occur at the same time 12)to happen simultaneously P
重り / おもり : n 1 1)weight 2 2)sinker (fishing)
重力加速度 / じゅうりょくかそくど : n 1)gravitational acceleration 2)acceleration of gravity
重んじる / おもんじる : v1 vt 1)to respect 2)to honor 3)to honour 4)to esteem 5)to prize P

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