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道学 / どうがく : n 1 1)ethics 2)moral philosophy 2 3)(the study of) Confucianism (esp. neo-Confucianism) 3 4)(the study of) Taoism 4 5)Edo-period popularized blend of Buddhist, Shinto and Confucian ethical teachings...
道徳 / どうとく : n adj-no 1)morals P
道内 / どうない : n 1)within Hokkaido
道化 / どうけ : n vs 1 1)antics 2)buffoonery 3)clowning n 2 abbr 4)clown 5)jester
道柳 / みちやなぎ : n uk 1)knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)
道破 / どうは : n vs 1)declaration
道着 / どうぎ : n 1)uniform worn in martial arts (judo, kendo, etc.)
道号 / どうごう : n obsc 1)monk's self-chosen pseudonym

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