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遊ぶ / あすぶ / あそぶ / すさぶ : ok v5b vi 1 1)to play 2)to enjoy oneself 3)to have a good time 2 4)to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.) 3 5)to be idle 6)to do nothing 7)to be unused 4 8)to go to (for pleasure or for study) 5 9)(baseb) to intentionally throw a ball to lower the batter's concentration v5b vi 1 10)to play P v5b vi 11)to grow wild 12)to rage 13)to become rough
遊廓 / ゆうかく : n 1)red light district
遊撃 / ゆうげき : n vs 1 1)raid 2)military attack by a mobile unit 3)hit-and-run attack 4)search-and-kill mission 5)search-and-destroy mission 6)military action without a predetermined target 7)attacking the enemy or assisting allies as the opportunity arises n 2 abbr 8)shortstop P
遊技 / ゆうぎ : n 1)games 2)pastimes
遊戯 / ゆうぎ : n vs 1)game 2)play 3)sports P
遊惰 / ゆうだ : adj-na n 1)indolence
遊弋 / ゆうよく : n vs 1)cruising 2)patrolling
遊金 / ゆうきん : n 1)idle money or capital

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