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途端 / とたん : n 1)just (now, at the moment, etc.) P
途中 / とちゅう : n-adv n-t 1 1)on the way 2)en route 2 3)in the middle of 4)midway P
途上 / とじょう : n-adv n-t 1 1)en route 2)half-way 2 3)on the road 4)in the street P
/ / みち : n 1)way P n 1 2)road 3)street 4)way 5)path 6)course 7)route 8)lane 2 9)distance 10)ways (e.g. "a long ways") 3 11)the way (of proper conduct, etc.) 12)one's way 13)morals 4 14)teachings (esp. Confucian or Buddhist) 15)dogma 5 16)field (of medicine, etc.) 17)subject 6 18)way 19)method 20)means
途方 / とほう : n 1)way 2)destination 3)reason P
途次 / とじ : n-adv n-t 1)on one's way
途端に / とたんに : adv 1)just as 2)in the act of
途絶 / とぜつ : n vs 1)stoppage 2)interruption 3)cessation 4)suspension

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