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逆説睡眠 / ぎゃくせつすいみん : 1)paradoxical sleep 2)REM sleep
逆説 / ぎゃくせつ : n adj-no 1)paradox P
逆説的 / ぎゃくせつてき : 1)paradoxical 2)paradoxically 3)paradoxic (an)
逆行性 / ぎゃっこうせい : 1)antidromic 2)retrograde
逆行変性 / ぎゃっこうへんせい : 1)retrograde degradation 2)degeneration
逆行列 / ぎゃくぎょうれつ : n 1)(math) inverse matrix
逆行健忘 / ぎゃっこうけんぼう : 1)retrograde amnesia
逆行 / ぎゃくこう / ぎゃっこう : n vs adj-no 1 1)reverse movement 2)retrogression 3)going backwards 4)moving in the wrong direction 5)running counter to (e.g. the laws of nature) 6)running against (e.g. the tide of the times) 2 7)(astron) retrogradation

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