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逆算 / ぎゃくさん : n vs 1 1)counting backwards 2)calculating backwards n 2 3)inverse operation 4)reverse operation
逆浪 / ぎゃくろう / げきろう / さかなみ : n 1)choppy seas 2)head sea
逆手 / ぎゃくて / さかて : n 1 1)underhand or backhand grip (e.g. in tennis) 2 2)unexpected twist 3)turning the tables (on an opponent) P
逆縁 / ぎゃくえん : n 1 1)(Buddh) bad deed which ultimately results in the creation of a good Buddhist 2 2)older person conducting a funeral service for a younger relative, in particular,...
逆捻 / さかねじ : io n 1 1)turning an object in the wrong direction 2 2)retort
逆接 / ぎゃくせつ : n 1)contradictory conjunction (but, however, etc.)
逆転 / ぎゃくてん : n vs adj-no 1)(sudden) change 2)reversal 3)turn-around 4)coming from behind (baseball) P
逆換 / ぎゃくかん / ぎゃっかん : n 1)(logical) inversion

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