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近東 / きんとう : n 1)Near East
近く / ちかく : n-adv n 1 1)near 2)neighbourhood 3)neighborhood 4)vicinity n-suf 2 5)nearly (i.e. "it took nearly one year") 6)close to adv 3 7)shortly 8)soon P
近眼 / きんがん / ちかめ : n adj-na adj-no 1)nearsightedness 2)shortsightedness 3)myopia P
近県 / きんけん : n 1)neighboring prefectures 2)neighbouring prefectures
近目 / ちかめ : n adj-na adj-no 1)nearsightedness 2)shortsightedness 3)myopia
近畿 / きんき : n 1)Kinki (region around Osaka, Kyoto, Nara) P
近状 / きんじょう : n 1)recent situation or conditions
近点 / きんてん : n adj-no 1 1)near point (closest point at which an object can be brought into focus by the ey... 2 2)(astron) periapsis

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