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軽自動車 / けいじどうしゃ : n 1)light motor vehicle (up to 660cc and 64bhp) P
軽自動車税 / けいじどうしゃぜい : n 1)light vehicle tax
軽乗用車 / けいじょうようしゃ : n 1)light passenger car 2)minicar 3)subcompact
軽羮 / かるかん : n 1)steamed sweet bun made from grated yam and rice flour
軽竜騏兵 / けいりゅうきへい : n 1)(Royal) light cavalry
軽石 / かるいし : n 1)pumice stone
軽目焼 / カルメやき : n 1)(ateji) honeycomb toffee 2)sponge toffee 3)foam candy from heated brown sugar mixed with baking soda
軽目 / かるめ / カルメ : adj-na n 1)light (weight) n abbr uk 2)(ateji) honeycomb toffee 3)sponge toffee 4)foam candy from heated brown sugar mixed with baking soda

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