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踏み石 / ふみいし : n 1)stepping stone
踏み面 / ふみづら / ふみめん : n 1)tread (of a wheel) 2)step (of a stair)
踏み俵 / ふみだわら : n 1)bales forming the steps to climb onto the ring
踏石 / ふみいし : n 1)stepping stone
踏み切 / ふみきり : n 1 1)railway crossing 2)railroad crossing 3)train crossing 4)level crossing 2 5)starting line 6)scratch 3 7)determination 4 8)(sumo) stepping over the edge of the ring
踏み台 / ふみだい : n 1 1)stool (stood on to reach high objects) 2)small stepladder 2 3)(figurative) stepping stone
踏み板 / ふみいた : n 1 1)board (across a ditch, etc.) 2 2)step 3)tread 4)footboard 5)running board 3 6)pedal (of an organ, etc.) 7)treadle
踏み段 / ふみだん : n 1)step 2)(flight of) stairs

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