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赤痢 / せきり : 1)dysentery 2)dysenteric
赤口 / しゃっく / しゃっこう / じゃっく / じゃっこう / せきぐち : n 1)unlucky for all activities, with only the period around noon being auspicious
赤米 / あかごめ / あかまい : n 1 1)rice that has browned (due to age) 2 2)variety of low-quality foreign rice 3 3)red rice (ancient variety of rice) 4)red-kerneled rice
赤筋 / せききん : 1)red muscle
赤秀 / あこう : n uk 1)Japanese sea fig (Ficus superba var. japonica)
赤禍 / せっか : n 1)the Red Peril
赤短 / あかたん : n 1)(in hanafuda) the collection of the three red poetry ribbon cards
赤眼 / あかめ : n 1 1)red eyes 2)bloodshot eyes 2 3)red-eye 3 uk 4)red mullet (Chelon haematocheilus) 4 5)facial gesture of pulling one's eyelid down and sticking out one's tongue

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