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豚に真珠 / ぶたにしんじゅ : exp 1)(cast) pearls before swine
豚まん / ぶたまん : n ksb: 1)steamed bun with minced pork filling
豚鼻 / ぶたばな : n 1 1)pig's snout 2)nose resembling a pig's snout 2 3)snorting like a pig (while laughing)
豚骨 / とんこつ : n 1)dish made with pork belly and bones, simmered with miso, sake, vegetables, etc. ...
豚饅 / ぶたまん : n ksb: 1)steamed bun with minced pork filling
豚飯 / ぶためし : n 1)pork with rice
豚足 / とんそく : n 1)(food) pig's feet
豚菜 / ぶたな : n 1)cat's-ear (Hypochoeris radicata) 2)false dandelion

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