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談話室 / だんわしつ : n 1)lounge
談話会 / だんわかい : n 1)colloquium 2)symposium 3)gathering for discussion
談話 / だんわ : n vs 1)a talk 2)conversation P
/ だん : n n-suf 1)talk 2)story 3)conversation
談じる / だんじる : v1 1 1)to talk 2)to discuss 3)to debate 2 4)to negotiate
談ずる / だんずる : vt 1 1)to talk 2)to discuss 3)to debate 2 4)to negotiate
談判 / だんぱん : n vs adj-no 1)negotiations 2)making demands
談叢 / だんそう : n 1)a number of interesting stories 2)book containing a number of interesting stories

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