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言わんばかり / いわんばかり : adv 1)as if to say 2)as much as to say 3)as though
言掛かり / いいがかり : n 1)false accusation 2)pretext 3)commitment
言わんや / いわんや : exp 1)much more 2)not to mention 3)not to speak of 4)to say nothing of 5)let alone
言わんとする / いわんとする : exp 1)(what) one is trying to say 2)(what) one wants to say 3)(what) one is saying 4)(what) one means
言わば / いわば : adv 1)so to speak 2)so to call it 3)as it were P
言わでもの事 / いわでものこと : exp n 1 1)something that goes without saying 2)something that needn't be said 2 3)something that should rather be left unsaid
言わずもがな / いわずもがな : exp 1 1)(it) goes without saying 2)needn't be said 2 3)should rather be left unsaid
言わず語らず / いわずかたらず : n 1)to be tacit

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