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触知不可能 / しょくちふかのう : 1)nonpalpable (an)
触知覚 / しょくちかく / しょっちかく : n 1)haptic perception 2)sensation of touch 3)tactual perception 4)tactile perception
触書き / ふれがき : n 1)Edo-period proclamation issued by the shogunate (or a daimyo, etc.) usu. to the ...
触媒作用的 / しょくばいさようてき : 1)catalytic 2)catalytically (an)
触媒作用 / しょくばいさよう : 1)catalysis 2)catalytic
触媒 / しょくばい : 1)catalyst 2)catalyze 3)catalytic 4)catalyse (vs)
触太鼓 / ふれだいこ : n 1 1)(sumo) drumming in the streets to announce a tournament 2 2)announcing an event by walking around in the streets beating a drum 3)drum used to announce an event by walking around in the streets
触回る / ふれまわる : v5r vi 1)to cry about 2)to broadcast

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