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覗う / うかがう : v5u vt 1 1)to peep (through) 2)to peek 3)to examine (esp. covertly) 2 4)to await (one's chance) 3 5)to guess 6)to infer 7)to gather 8)to surmise
覗き / のぞき : n 1 1)peeping 2 abbr 2)peeping tom
覗く / のぞく : v5k vt 1 1)to peek (though a keyhole, gap, etc.) 2 2)to look down into (a ravine, etc.) 3 3)to peek into (a shop, bookstore, etc.) 4 4)to sneak a look at 5)to take a quick look at 5 6)to peep (through a telescope, microscope, etc.) v5k vi 6 7)to stick out (a scarf from a collar, etc.) 8)to peek through (sky through a forest canopy, etc.) arch 9)(7) to face P
覗魔 / のぞきま : n 1)peeping tom
/ さとり : n uk 1)a mythical being that can read minds
/ かんなぎ : n 1)medium 2)diviner 3)shaman 4)oracle
/ おや / しん : n 1 1)parent 2)parents 2 3)dealer (in cards, mahjong, etc.) 3 4)founder 4 5)(pet) owner P n 1 6)intimacy 7)closeness 8)friendliness 2 9)close relative 3 10)(n-pref) pro- (e.g. pro-American, pro-Japanese, etc.)

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