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補色 / ほしょく : n 1)complementary color 2)complementary colour
補償 / ほしょう : n vs 1)compensation 2)reparation P
補欠 / ほけつ : n vs adj-no 1 1)filling a vacancy 2)supplementation 2 3)substitute 4)deputy 5)alternate 6)spare P
補正 / ほせい : n vs 1)correction 2)revision 3)compensation (e.g. to a pendulum) P
補殺 / ほさつ : n vs 1)catching and killing 2)assisting (baseball)
補法 / ほほう : n 1)revitalizing treatment that stimulates the organs or the meridians (in Chinese m...
補注 / ほちゅう : n 1)supplementary note
補液 / ほえき : 1)fluid replacement

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