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/ たい / ふくろ : suf 1)counter for things inside a bag n 1 2)bag 3)sack 4)pouch 2 5)skin of an orange (and other like fruits) 3 6)dead end 4 7)plot of land surrounded by water P
/ あこめ : n arch 1)layer of clothing worn by nobles (worn beneath the robe but over the undergarmen...
/ そで : n 1 1)sleeve 2 2)wing (of a stage) P
/ ほう : n 1)round-necked robe worn by members of nobility and the imperial court
袋鼠 / ふくろねずみ : n 1)opossum
袋麺 / ふくろめん : n 1)instant noodles (sold in a soft plastic packaging, as opposed to cup noodles)
袋鰻 / ふくろうなぎ : n uk 1)pelican eel (Eurypharynx pelecanoides)
袋虫 / ふくろむし : n uk 1)rhizocephala (parasitic barnacles)

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