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血漿 / けっしょう : n adj-no 1)plasma 2)blood plasma
血気 / けっき : n 1)vigor 2)ardor 3)ardour 4)vigour
血流 / けつりゅう : 1)blood flow 2)bloodstream 3)bloodflow
血税 / けつぜい : n 1)heavy taxation 2)conscription
血潮 / ちしお : n 1 1)blood spilt from the body 2 2)blood circulating within the body (often as a metaphor for strong emotion or hot...
血浴 / けつよく : n obsc 1)bloodbath 2)massacre
血涙 / けつるい : n 1)tears of blood 2)bitter tears
血沈 / けっちん : n 1)sedimentation (rate) of blood cells

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