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螺旋 / ねじ / らせん : n 1 uk 1)screw 2 2)key (of a clock, watch, etc.) 3)spring (of a clock, watch, etc.) n adj-no 1 4)spiral 5)helix 2 6)screw P
螺子 / ねじ / らし : n 1 uk 1)screw 2 2)key (of a clock, watch, etc.) 3)spring (of a clock, watch, etc.)
螺鈿 / らでん : n 1)mother-of-pearl
螺貝 / つぶがい : n 1)whelk (esp. Neptunea and Buccinum spp.)
螺線 / らせん : n 1 1)(math) helix 2 2)spiral
螺旋状 / らせんじょう : n adj-no 1)helical 2)spiral-shaped
/ つび / つぶ / つみ / にし : ok n 1)small spiral-shelled snail (esp. a pond snail) n 1 uk 2)whelk (esp. Neptunea and Buccinum spp.) 2 3)small spiral-shelled snail (esp. a pond snail) n uk 4)small spiral-shelled snail
蟶貝 / まてがい : n 1)razor clam

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