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蕁麻疹 / じんましん : n 1)hives 2)nettle rash 3)urticaria
蕁麻 / いらくさ / おいら / じんま : oK n uk 1)nettle (Urtica thunbergiana) oK n uk 2)(oik) nettle (Urtica thunbergiana)
蓬莱竹 / ほうらいちく : n uk 1)hedge bamboo (Bambusa multiplex) 2)golden goddess bamboo
蕎麦屋 / そばや : n 1)buckwheat-noodle restaurant P
蕎麦掻 / そばがき : io n 1)buckwheat mash (buckwheat flour in hot water served with shoyu)
蕎麦殻 / そばがら : n 1)buckwheat chaff
蕎麦湯 / そばゆ : n 1)soba water 2)water left in the pot after one has boiled soba
蕎麦粉 / そばこ : n 1)buckwheat flour

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