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/ かば / かま / がま / こうほ : n uk 1)common cattail (Typha latifolia) 2)common bulrush 3)common reed mace ok n uk 4)common cattail (Typha latifolia)
蒲鉾 / かまぼこ : n 1)(processed) fish paste
蒲薦 / ほせん : n 1)bulrush mat
蒲葵 / びろう / ほき : n uk 1)Chinese fan palm (Livistona chinensis)
蒲色 / かばいろ : n 1)reddish yellow
蒲焼 / かばやき : n 1)loach or eel dipped and broiled in soy-based sauce
蒲桜 / かにわざくら / かばざくら : n 1 1)any cherry tree with birch-like bark 2 arch 2)Japanese bird cherry (Prunus grayana) n 1 uk 3)ornamental variety of double weeping rosebud cherry 2 4)any cherry tree with birch-like bark 3 arch 5)Japanese bird cherry (Prunus grayana)
蒲柳 / ほりゅう : n 1 1)purple willow 2 2)infirmity 3)delicate constitution

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