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葉枯病 / はがれびょう : 1)leaf blotch
葉桜 / はざくら : n 1)cherry tree in leaf 2)cherry tree whose blossoms have fallen, revealing the young leaves
葉位 / ようい : 1)leaf position
葉脈 / ようみゃく : n 1)veins of a leaf
葉っぱ / はっぱ : n 1 1)leaf 2 sl uk 2)marijuana 3)cannabis P
葉かげ / はかげ : n 1)under the leaves (of a tree) 2)in the shadow of the leaves
/ / よう : n 1)leaf P suf 1 2)counter for leaves, pieces of paper, etc. 2 arch 3)counter for boats
葉腋 / ようえき : n 1)leaf axil

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