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脱分化 / だつぶんか : 1)dedifferentiation 2)dedifferentiate (vs)
脱分極 / だつぶんきょく : n vs 1)depolarization 2)depolarisation
脱分枝 / だつぶんし : 1)debranching
脱硫化 / だつりゅうか : 1)desulfurization 2)desulfurize (vs)
脱字 / だつじ : n 1)omitted word 2)omitted character
脱官僚 / だつかんりょう : n 1)debureaucratization 2)curtailing the power of the bureaucracy
脱工業化 / だつこうぎょうか : n adj-no 1)post-industrialization
脱帽 / だつぼう : n vs 1 1)removing one's hat 2 2)admiring someone greatly 3)"taking off one's hat" to someone

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