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胸を出す / むねをだす : exp v5s 1)(sumo) to have training bouts with one's junior during practice (of a senior wre...
胸を貸す / むねをかす : exp v5s 1)to allow a less skilled person to practice with one (esp. in sumo)
胸を焦がす / むねをこがす : exp v5s 1)to yearn for 2)to pine for
胸をそらす / むねをそらす : exp v5s 1)to be puffed up with pride 2)to throw out one's chest
胸を冷やす / むねをひやす : exp v5s 1)to be frightened
胸を病む / むねをやむ : exp v5m 1)to become consumptive
胸を張る / むねをはる : exp v5r 1)to throw out one's chest 2)to be puffed up with pride
胸を打つ / むねをうつ : exp v5t 1)to be touching 2)to be moving

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