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胚上皮 / はいじょうひ : 1)epthelium germinale 2)germinal epithelium 3)germinal epithelia
胚子 / はいし : n adj-no 1)embryo
胚誘導 / はいゆうどう : 1)embryonic induction
胚葉 / はいよう : n adj-no 1)germ layer 2)germinal epithelium
胚芽腫 / はいがしゅ : 1)embryoma 2)embryonal tumor
胚芽米 / はいがまい : n 1)(food) germ rice 2)half-milled rice 3)semi-polished rice 4)rice with the germ 5)rice polished to remove the bran but not the germ 6)milled rice with embryo buds
胚芽 / はいが : n 1)(bot) germ (of a cereal, e.g. wheat, rice) 2)embryo bud
胚膜 / はいまく : n 1)embryonic membrane

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