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肩関節炎 / かたかんせつえん : 1)omarthritis
肩関節 / かたかんせつ : 1)shoulder joint 2)glenohumeral joint 3)humeral articulation
肩鎖関節 / けんさかんせつ : 1)acromioclavicular joint
肩高 / けんこう : n 1)withers (height from ground to shoulder blades in animals)
肩文字 / かたもじ : n 1)(comp) superscript
肩揚げ / かたあげ : n vs 1)tuck at the shoulder (of a child's clothes) 2)shoulder tuck
肩揚 / かたあげ : n vs 1)tuck at the shoulder (of a child's clothes) 2)shoulder tuck
肩揉み / かたもみ : n 1)shoulder rub 2)shoulder massage

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