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聞き分け / ききわけ : n adj-no 1)easily taught 2)obedient
聞き分ける / ききわける : v1 vt 1 1)to recognize by sound (recognise) 2)to identify by sound 2 3)to understand 4)to be reasonable
聞き良い / ききよい : 1)(adj-i) pleasant to listen to
聞き違う / ききちがう : v5u 1)to mishear
聞き違い / ききちがい : n 1)mishearing
聞き過す / ききすごす : v5s vt 1)to fail to catch 2)to ignore
聞き逃す / ききのがす : v5s vt 1)to fail to hear something 2)to miss
聞き返す / ききかえす : v5s vt 1 1)to listen repeatedly 2)to listen again 2 3)to ask a question in return 3 4)to ask again 5)to ask for a repeated explanation

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