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耳石 / じせき : n 1)otolith (part of inner ear) 2)statolith 3)statoconium
/ みみ : n 1 1)ear 2 2)hearing 3 3)edge 4)crust 4 5)selvedge (non-fray machined edge of fabrics) 6)selvage P
耳標 / じひょう : n 1)earmark (on cattle, etc.)
耳殻 / じかく : n 1)external ear 2)auricle
耳毛 / じもう / みみげ : n 1)ear hair 2)hairs of the tragus
耳滓 / みみかす : n 1)earwax 2)cerumen
耳漏 / じろう : 1)aural discharge 2)otorrhea
耳炎 / じえん : n 1)(med) otitis 2)inflammation of the ear

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