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耳パンチ / みみぱんち : 1)ear punching
耳介 / じかい : n 1 1)auricle adj-no 2 2)auricular
耳タコ / みみタコ : exp abbr id col 1)having been told something so often that one is fed up with it
耳を貸す / みみをかす : exp v5s 1)to lend an ear to 2)to listen to
耳を疑う / みみをうたがう : exp v5u 1)to not believe one's ears
耳新しい / みみあたらしい : 1)(adj-i) novel 2)new 3)unfamiliar 4)hear for the first time
耳日不見 / みみひみず : n uk 1)Chinese shrew mole (Uropsilus soricipes)
耳を塞ぐ / みみをふさぐ : exp v5g 1)to stop (plug) one's ears

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