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群速度 / ぐんそくど : n 1)group velocity (in fibre optics, fiber optics)
群臣 / ぐんしん : n 1)a crowd or large number of one's retainers or subjects
群竹 / むらたけ : n 1)thick growth of bamboo
群立ち / むらだち : n 1)standing in a group 2)standing up in unison
群盲 / ぐんもう : n 1)the blind or foolish masses
群盗 / ぐんとう : n 1)group (gang) of robbers
群発 / ぐんぱつ : n 1)repeated occurrence
群生 / ぐんじょう / ぐんせい : n 1)all animate creation n vs 1 2)growing en masse in a location (plants) 2 3)living gregariously (animals, people) n 3 4)all animate creation

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