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絞輪 / こうりん : 1)constriction ring
絞扼 / こうやく : n vs 1)(med) strangulation 2)constriction 3)entrapment
絞罪 / こうざい : n 1)execution by hanging 2)hanging
絞刑 / こうけい : n 1)death by hanging
絞る / しぼる : v5r vt 1 1)to wring 2)to squeeze 3)to press 4)to extract 2 5)to rack (one's brains) 6)to strain (one's voice) 3 7)to extort 8)to exploit 4 9)to chew out 10)to reprimand severely 11)to rake over the coals 12)to give a sound scolding 13)to tell someone off 14)to scold 15)to rebuke 5 16)to drill into 17)to train 6 18)to narrow down (one's focus) 19)to whittle down 20)(7) to gather up (a curtain, etc.) 21)to tighten (a drawstring) 22)(8) to stop down (a lens) 23)(9) to turn down (e.g. the radio) 24)(10) to bend (a bow) 25)to draw 26)(11) (sumo) to hold down 27)to constrict 28)to immobilize P
絞首 / こうしゅ : n vs 1)hanging 2)strangling to death
絞り / しぼり : n vs 1 1)tye-dye 2)tye-dyeing 2 3)aperture (e.g. camera, iris of the eye) 4)aperture stop 5)stop 3 6)contraction 7)squeezing 8)choke P
絞く / わなく : 1 arch 1)(v4k) to hang oneself 2)to strangle oneself 2 arch 3)to wring the neck 4)to strangle

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