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紫根 / しこん : n 1)gromwell root (of species Lithospermum erythrorhizon)
紫檀 / したん : n 1)rosewood 2)red sandalwood
紫雲 / しうん : n 1)purple clouds 2)clouds on which Amida Buddha rides to welcome the spirits of the dead
紫闥 / したつ : n 1)gate of the imperial palace 2)imperial court 3)imperial palace
/ むらさき : n 1 1)purple 2)violet 2 uk 3)Lithospermum erythrorhizon (species of gromwell) 3 4)type of soy sauce P
紫外 / しがい : n adj-no abbr 1)ultraviolet 2)UV
紫貝 / むらさきがい : n uk 1)Soletellina diphos (species of clam)
紫蘭 / しらん : n 1)Bletilla striata (purple variety of orchid)

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