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等分配 / とうぶんぱい : 1)equipartition (vs)
等分 / とうぶん : n vs suf 1)division into equal parts P
等値線 / とうちせん : n 1)isopleth 2)isogram 3)isoline 4)contour line 5)isarithm
等々 / とうとう / などなど : n-adv 1)and so on 2)at last 3)finally 4)after all P exp 5)etcetera, etcetera
/ とう / など / : n n-suf 1 1)class 2)order 3)rank suf 2 4)et cetera (etc.) 5)and the like pref 3 6)equal n n-suf 1 uk 7)et cetera 8)etc. 9)and so forth 2 10)(indicating an approximate quote or vague suggestion) or something 3 11)(lessening the significance or value of the previous word) the likes of P suf 1 12)pluralizing suffix (often humble, derogatory or familiar) 13)and others 14)et alios 15)and followers 2 16)or so (rough indicator of direction, location, amount, etc.) 3 17)(after the stem of an adjective) nominalizing suffix
等差 / とうさ : n 1)(equal) difference
等幅 / とうはば : adj-no n 1)fixed-width (e.g. font)
等式 / とうしき : n 1)(math) equality

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