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立地 / りっち : n vs 1)site 2)location (e.g. of industry) P
立居 / たちい : n 1)movements 2)sitting and standing
立刀 / りっとう : n 1)kanji "sword" radical at right (radical 18)
立前 / たてまえ : n 1 1)face 2)official stance 3)public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts) 2 4)tea ceremony procedures 5)tea ceremony etiquette
立札 / たてふだ : n 1)notice 2)sign (on a post) 3)bulletin board P
立木 / たちき / りゅうぼく : n 1)standing tree 2)standing timber
立命 / りつめい : n 1)peace of mind
立替 / たてかえ : io n 1)advancing money 2)temporary payment for someone else 3)payment on behalf of another party, with the expectation of being reimbursed lat...

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