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稽留流産 / けいりゅうりゅうざん : 1)missed abortion
稽留 / けいりゅう : 1)continuous 2)continued 3)plateau
稽える / かんがえる : v1 vt 1 1)to think about 2)to take into consideration 2 3)to ponder 4)to reflect 5)to try to come at a conclusion 6)to think over (something) 3 7)to intend 8)to decide (to do) 9)to plan 4 10)to come up with 11)to devise 12)to scheme 5 13)to predict 14)to anticipate 15)to expect 6 16)to suspect 17)to doubt 18)(7) to consider (somebody to be something) 19)to look on
稽首 / けいしゅ : n vs 1)bowing to the floor
稽古本 / けいこぼん : n 1)practice book used in Joruri and Nagauta
稽古日 / けいこび : n 1)day for one's lesson
稽古着 / けいこぎ : n 1)training clothes (judo, kendo, etc.) 2)practice suit
稽古場 / けいこば : n 1)training room (hall) 2)gymnasium

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