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移動 / いどう : n vs 1 1)removal 2)migration 3)movement 2 4)mobile (e.g. communications) P
移着 / いちゃく : n vs 1)adhering or embedding of wear debris in the opposing surface
移牧 / いぼく : n adj-no 1)transhumance 2)moving stock between pastures according to season
移牒 / いちょう : n vs 1)notification to authorities
移流 / いりゅう : n 1)advection
移出 / いしゅつ : n vs 1)export 2)shipping out
移民 / いみん : n vs adj-no 1 1)(sens) emigration 2)immigration 2 3)emigrant 4)immigrant P
移植 / いしょく : 1)transplantation 2)transplant 3)engraftment 4)engraft 5)graft 6)implant 7)implantation (vs)

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