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福引 / ふくびき : n 1)lottery 2)tombola 3)drawing
福耳 / ふくみみ : n 1)plump ears (large, fleshy earlobes), said to bring good fortune
福音 / ふくいん : n adj-no 1 1)good news 2 2)gospel (teachings or revelations of Jesus Christ) P
福運 / ふくうん : n 1)happiness and good fortune
福袋 / ふくぶくろ : n 1)lucky-dip bag 2)grab bag 3)mystery package (with a variety of articles possibly worth more than the purchas...
福草 / さきくさ : n obsc 1)lucky grass
福茶 / ふくちゃ : n 1)lucky tea (var. of tea made from sea tangle, black soybeans, pepper, pickled plu... 2)New Year tea
福笹 / ふくざさ : n 1)lucky bamboo branch given out at an Ebisu shrine during the Toka Ebisu Business ...

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