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神聖化 / しんせいか : n vs 1)sanctification 2)consecration
神聖視 / しんせいし : n vs 1)regarding something as sacred 2)apotheosis 3)deification
神聖 / しんせい : adj-na n 1)holiness 2)sacredness 3)dignity P
神職 / しんしょく : n 1)Shinto priest(hood)
神迎え / かみむかえ : n 1)rite welcoming back the gods from Izumo Shrine (on the last day of the tenth lun...
神輿 / しんよ / じんよ / みこし : n 1)portable shrine (carried in festivals) n 1 2)portable shrine (carried in festivals) 2 hon 3)palanquin 3 uk 4)buttocks 5)lower back 6)waist 7)hips
神身 / しんしん / しんじん : n adj-no 1)mind and body ok n adj-no 2)mind and body
神足通 / じんそくつう : n 1)(Buddh) unimpeded bodily function (one of the six supernormal Buddhist powers)

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