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短編映画 / たんぺんえいが : n 1)short film
短期計画 / たんきけいかく : n 1)short-term plan 2)short-run project
短編 / たんぺん : n 1)short (e.g. story, film) P
短編小説 / たんぺんしょうせつ : n 1)short story 2)novella
短編集 / たんぺんしゅう : n 1)collection of short stories 2)collected short stories
短靴 / たんぐつ : n 1)shoes
短絡 / たんらく : n vs 1 1)electric short-circuit 2 2)drawing a hasty inference between two events 3)jumping to a quick conclusion 4)dealing with matters quickly and carelessly P
短籍 / たんざく / たんじゃく : n 1 1)long, narrow card on which Japanese poems are written (vertically) 2)strip of paper 2 abbr 3)thin rectangle

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