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着色 / ちゃくしょく : n vs adj-no 1)colouring 2)coloring 3)colorant P
着丈 / きたけ : n 1)dress length
着用 / ちゃくよう : n vs 1)wearing (e.g. uniform, seat belt) 2)having on P
着生 / ちゃくせい : adj-no vs 1)epiphytic 2)designating a non-parasitic plant that grows on other plants
着物 / きもの : n 1 1)clothing 2)clothes 2 3)kimono (or other trad. Japanese clothing) P
着火 / ちゃっか : n vs 1)ignited 2)kindled 3)catching (fire)
着氷 / ちゃくひょう : n vs 1)icing (on a plane) 2)ice accretion
着水 / ちゃくすい : n vs 1)landing on the water

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