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目安 / めやす : n 1 1)criterion 2)standard 3)yardstick 4)reference 5)aim 2 6)rough estimate 7)approximation P
目方 / めかた : n 1)weight P
目力 / めじから : n 1)the ability to convey strong emotions with his eyes (for an actor) 2)eyes that convey a strong sense of purpose
目玉 / めだま : n 1 1)eyeball 2 abbr 2)special feature 3)centerpiece 4)showpiece 5)drawcard 3 6)special program 7)loss leader P
目印 / めじるし : n 1)mark 2)sign 3)landmark P
目標 / めじるし / もくひょう : n 1)mark 2)sign 3)landmark 4)objective 5)target P
目合 / まぐわい / めあい : n vs uk arch 1)sexual intercourse n 2)mesh size of a net
目抜 / めぬけ / メヌケ : n 1 uk 1)any large, red, deep-water scorpionfish with big eyes 2 2)Matsubara's red rockfish (Sebastes matsubarae)

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